Sunday, February 24, 2013

the world these days...

I realize that this weeks assignment was on videos too, but I saw this one on Facebook and bawled like a baby!! It is so inspirational and cool how people can be so selfless and caring.  That is something we don't see a lot of these days I think.  Here is the link to the video that I am referring too, Awesome story! 

I think that we have become such a "me" society, and we really forget about those around us.  I am guilty of this too, it just occurred to me as I watched that video and I was reading an article online about random kindness too.  I think we all should pay it forward at least once a day.  (And if you haven't seen the movie pay it forward, please go rent it! Its a good story!)  I think yes, in Minnesota and in smaller towns people are a lot friendlier but, there are always those few that ruin it for everyone.  I love when I walk down the street to go wait for the bus when I am at home and there is the same little old lady there and she says good morning to me every day! How come we all don't do that? It just brightens up that persons day so much more that it is worth that small bit of energy.

Anyways, that's the end of my rant.  It was just something that came to mind suddenly and I thought I would share!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katey! I liked your blog, and find it refreshing. I have seen the movie, Pay It Forward, and absolutely love it too! You comments made me think of an experience I had just this past Thursday. I had been at training in St. Paul for my job, three and a half hours away from my family and was so anxious to get out of rush hour traffic and get home. As it was, I sat at a stop light for almost 10 minutes waiting for it to change. I couldn't help but notice the man on the corner holding his sign that read, "trouble finding work, anything will help, God Blass". I looked around and saw all the people in the BMWs, Escalades, etc. giving him a short look but then looking away as if they didn't see him. While I wouldn't recommend doing this in every situation because at times it can be dangerous, but I rolled down my window and handed him a twenty. As he looked up he had tears rolling down his face. I don't know how hungry he was or if that money was going to spent on what I had hoped, but I knew for at least that day, he would have the opportunity to fill his belly, and perhaps for a couple days. The reason I did that was a little ironic, I had just started a job working with government assistance and was looking for a charitable quote to add to the bottom of my email. I found the perfect one, "You have not lived today unless you have given something to someone who will never be able to repay you". That was a day when I truly felt good about my life. We don't have to give in the form of money, it can be like you said, a smile, a good morning. It all makes a difference and it certainly all matters! I guess I was the one who ended up going on a rant! :)
